
Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Kartini's Day


History :
Kartini was born in Jepara, Central Java on 21 April 1879. Kartini or sometimes known as Raden Ajeng Kartini, because she was born an aristocratic Javanese family. When Java was part of the Dutch colony.
Kartini’s father, Sosroningrat, became regency chief of Jepara and her mother, Ngasirah.
Kartini’s family allowed her to attend school until she was 12 years old. Here, among other subjects she learnt to speak Dutch, an unusual accomplishment for Javanese women at the time. After she turned 12 years old, she was secluded at home, a common practice among Javanese nobility, to prepare young girls for their marriage.
Because she could speak Dutch, she acquired several Dutch pen friends. One of them, a girl by the name of Rosa Abendanon, became a close friend. Books, newspapers, and European maganizes fed Kartini’s interest in European feminist thinking and fostered the desire to improve the conditions of  Indigenious Indonesian women, who at the time had a ver low social status.
Kartini’s concerns were not only in the area of the emancipation of women, but also other problems of her society. Kartini saw thet the struggle for women to obtain thir freedom, autonomy and legal equality was just part of wider movement.
Kartini’s parents arranged her married to Joyodiningrat the Regency Chief of Rembang, who already had three wives.
She was married on the 12 November 1903. Her husband understood Kartini’s aims and allowed her to establish a school for women in the east porch of the Rembang Regency Office complex. Only Kartini’s son was born on 13 September 1904. A few days later on 17 September 1904 kartini died at the age of 25 years old. She was buried in Bulu village, Rembang.
                Inspire by Kartini or R.A. Kartini example , The Van Deventer family established R.A Kartini Foundation which built school for women  “Kartini’s School” in Semarang 1912 , followed by other women’s school in Surabaya , Malang, Madiun, Cirebon , Yogyakarta and other areas.
                In 1964 , Precident Soekarno declarated R.A Kartini birth date 21 April as “Kartini’s Day”.

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Mother's Day
History of Mother's Day in Indonesia
     Indonesia celebrates Mother's Day every year on December 22. History of Mother's Day enactment of the Indonesian Women's Congress III in 1983. The incident was regarded as one of the important milestones of the history of the struggle of Indonesian women. Leaders of women's organizations from different regions of Nusantara gathered together as the mind and spirit to fight for independence and improving women's lot.

     Presidential Decree. 316 in 1959 was set by President Sukarno that Mother's Day is celebrated nationally on December 22.

     Mission  commemotared Mother's Day was originally more to commemorate the spirit and struggle of the women in this nation's quality improvement efforts. From there it also reflected the spirit of women from different backgrounds to unite and work together.

Mother's Day in 2011
              Now a variety of activities to praise motherhood mothers done for example bought a gift for his mother, but there is also helping her mother work, cook your favorite foods, and there is a tradition carried out by each family. Tradition is the Mother Foot Flush.
It is intended as a symbol of devotion marks the child against his mother.
            On this Mother's Day, I made a poem for my mother.


Ibu..Setiap langkahmu, kau tinggalkan jejak kasihmu
Setiap pelukmu, menebarkan kehangatan cinta
Tulusnya cintamu, seputih kasih yang abadi.
Ibu...Kau Malaikat hidupku
Yang setiap langkahmu, selalu teriring perjuanganmu
Membesarkanku, menjadikanku seseorang yang berarti
Kaulah cahaya yang lenyapkan gelapku
Kaulah api yang hangatkan dinginku
Kaulah air yang sejukkan panasku
Kaulah mentari yang terangkan petangku
Kaulah rembulan yang menjadi pahlawan malamku

Ibu.. kasihmu tulus tak perlu di tebus
Cintamu teduh tak butuh di sepuh
oamu sejuta lebih mustajab ketimbang doa seribu kekasih.
Terima kasih atas segalanya
Jasa Ibu akan selalu terkenang

The poem that I created for my mother dearest, by reading the poem and clutching my mother's body.

            Although there is Mother's Day, still we must love our Father. Because it is they who have been caring for and raising us from childhood. In addition, we give love on Mother's Day should not be alone but we must love them every day and try to always make them smile.

Sabtu, 12 November 2011


On 10 Novemebr, The Indonesia commemorate Memorial Day each year. For Commemorating the day, every tangggal 10 November has always held a flag ceremony. Both from the students and administration. On this Memorial Day services to commemorate the heroes of Surabaya "arek arek Surabaya"
  who died on behalf of the Surabaya area of British and allied troops. Arek-arek spirit of unyielding suroboyo which makes this battle a huge battle. With the improvised weapons arek-arek this against a heavily armed allied forces.
ari hero and the struggle arek-arek suroboyo in maintaining and protecting the soil and the Indonesian independence from the colonizers. Several witnesses of the building is still standing history of warfare, from the hotel where the Yamato arek-arek suroboyo dutch flag is tearing up the hero monument and an icon who is now a place of historic city Surabaya. And also built a museum of Heroes Monument.